Custom software

Success story: custom software by Adminflex IT for Dhoste bv


The challenge: a specific IT program for the mass catering sector

After a flying start of our company, founded in 2020, we were quickly looking for a robust IT program to meet the needs of our clients in the mass catering sector. An extensive market study did not yield the desired result: the available programs were either too heavy and expensive or not specific enough.

The solution: creative and targeted approach by Adminflex

When we came into contact with AdminFlex, we immediately felt a connection. They took the time to fully understand our requirements, thought creatively with us, and came up with some brilliant ideas to make the program even more powerful.

The result: quick delivery and significant competitive advantage

Within a few months, they presented us with a first design, which was then refined in close consultation. Now, six months later, we can offer our clients a customized program that has given us a significant lead over the competition.

We highly recommend AdminFlex IT with full confidence.

Steve Dhoore

Managing Director

Dhoste bv


How we help